Great Strategy to deal with Anxiety shared by one of Charlotte Anxiety's Therapist

Richard Halliburton

Bareiter Counseling Therapists for Anxiety Shares Trigger story

I heard a story the other day from a friend who works in a large office.  She was momentarily terrified when she heard a series of shrieks and curses coming from the coworker in the next cube.  She looked to see what was wrong and saw her office mate screaming and gesturing at her computer screen.  Obviously, something had triggered a meltdown in someone who was already burdened with tension, stress, and who-knows-what-else. 

Deep Breathing Method to Help with Anxiety

We've all heard the adage of counting to ten when we're angry.  There's a lot of truth in that.  In order to remain in control, it is important for us to slow down both mentally and physically.  This can be accomplished by simply taking some deep breaths.  The next time things seem to be spinning out of control, make the conscious effort to slow down by taking at least three slow breaths.  Close your eyes, breathe slowly in through your nose, imagine your lungs inflating like a balloon, hold it for a few comfortable seconds then expel the breath through your mouth, imagining the balloon slowly deflating.  You'll feel your body relaxing.  Try several more deep breaths.  This will slow your heart rate and decrease the feeling of anxiety, allowing you to slow down and gain perspective of the situation.

Going deeper:  Therapy for Anxiety in Charlotte

This is one example of many ways to get yourself back to a calm base.  It’s a simple exercise that can be done almost anywhere.  What may not be simple to identify are the origins of your stress.  Is it as simple as being stressed at the moment or is it an indicator or something deeper?  Talk therapy is an excellent way to explore the root causes of anxiety and stress.  I can help you process thoughts and feelings in a way that can find the roots of your stress so that they can be processed on a deeper, even more, effective level.  Visit to learn more or call 704-334-0524 to make an appointment today.   

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