Therapy for Teens with Anxiety, Depression, and Other Mental Health Issues in Charlotte

Top therapists and counselors for teens in the Charlotte area

Being a teenager can be extremely difficult. Teenagers experience many changes physically, emotionally, and psychologically, which can be challenging to deal with. It is common for teenagers to face various pressures, from tough academic workloads to forming their own sense of identity. Some teens may face bullying or peer pressure or question their gender or sexual identity as they navigate relationships for the first time. The prevalence of social media in today’s culture has been linked to social comparison and lowered self-esteem. With all of the stresses of our modern world, many teens can benefit from counseling as they work through these challenges. Call The Bareiter Counseling Center in Charlotte today and speak with a professional teen counselor.

You may experience some resistance when first talking to your teen about therapy. This is normal. The following techniques may help your teen become open to the idea of therapy:

  • Let Them Lead: Teens don’t like it when decisions are made for them. Give them information about the process and ask them if they think it could benefit them. Tell them you support them no matter what. If they make the decision, they are much more likely to follow through and benefit from it.
  • Offer Incentives: Consider offering a reward if your teen is having a hard time accepting the idea of therapy. Tickets to see their favorite band if they agree to attend a session is a good example. 
  • Include Them in the Process: Consider allowing your teen to help you choose a therapist and let them decide when they’d like to schedule their appointments. You may also consider researching therapists in general together. If they feel like you’re a team, they may be more likely to follow through with any suggestions.

Teen counseling is a therapeutic approach specifically for teens. With counseling, teens participate in talk therapy in a safe environment with a mental health professional with the aim to better understand and express their feelings, identify and solve problems, and develop healthy and effective coping mechanisms. Counseling can be in the form of one-on-one talk therapy sessions or group therapy.

There are many different types of counseling for teens. Depending on the issue, a therapist may recommend a combination. Among the common therapy types used for teens are:

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT): Often used for teens with anxiety, depression, or trauma, a therapist specializing in CBT will help your teen identify harmful thought patterns and replace them with more positive ones.
  • Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT): DBT will help your teen take responsibility for and find healthier ways of coping with conflict and intense emotions. DBT is often used for teens who engage in self-harm, who are suicidal, and/or teens with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD).
  • Family Therapy: Family therapy includes one or more members of the family, including parents, grandparents, and siblings. The goal is to improve communication and support among family members.
  • Group Therapy: In group therapy, multiple patients are led by a therapist. This approach can improve your teen’s social skills and help them learn how other teens cope with mental health issues.
  • Interpersonal Therapy (IPT): Commonly used for people with depression, IPT focuses on a person’s relationships, and how interpersonal events affect emotions.
  • Mentalization Based Therapy (MBT): MBT helps children and teens who are struggling with their identity and who they are.
  • Supportive Therapy: Supportive therapy helps teens address and cope with problems in a healthy way, as well as improve their self-esteem.

Going to therapy allows the teen to express themselves and to talk about things that are bothering them or that they are experiencing without fear of being judged or being labeled. It also allows them to be open and honest without the fear of punishment from their parents. It’s important to explain to your teen that therapy is a safe place. Their therapist is not permitted to talk about what’s happening in the sessions specifically and can only give a general overview for the parents of possible outcomes, with few exceptions like active suicidal plans or reports of abuse.

Does your teen have depression or anxiety? Has your teen experienced a trauma? Is your teen self-harming? Bareiter Counseling Center in Charlotte will help your teen talk about their feelings and learn the skills necessary to make healthy choices and heal from what is troubling them.

Getting a teen to attend counseling may be a challenge, but it usually in their best interest. Luckily there are ways to ease them into the process. With an adult’s assistance and teen counseling, your teen can have a happier, healthier life. Let the counselors at Bareiter Counseling Center who are experienced working with teens lead the way. Contact us today.

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